Difference between fungi and bacteria.

Often, bacterial cells collect in colonies in the form of threads or grapes. Some have flagella, with the help of which they move, others are immovable or passively carried by people, wind, water, animals.

According to the method of obtaining energy, bacteria are divided into autotrophs and heterotrophs. Cyanobacteria, green or purple bacteria independently synthesize organic matter, doing photosynthesis. Iron bacteria, nitrifying and sulfuric bacteria "are engaged" in chemosynthesis and fermentation, using the energy of redox reactions.

Reproduction of bacteria most often occurs by dividing in half, less often by budding. The reproduction rate is amazing. A bacterial cell can double every 20 minutes. Bacteria experience unfavorable climatic conditions in the form of spores or cysts, which have a centuries-old term of viability.

Conclusions TheDifference.ru

  1. Fungal cells have nuclei, nuclei are absent in bacterial cells.
  2. Fungi can be multicellular and unicellular, bacteria are exclusively unicellular organisms.
  3. Bacteria have occupied a larger living space than fungi.
  4. Most fungi are visible to the human eye. Bacteria ranging in size from 0.5 to 5 microns can only be seen with a microscope.
  5. Fungi are fundamentally immovable, among bacteria there are types with flagella.
  6. Fungi are distinct heterotrophs, bacteria use all methods of obtaining vital energy known today.
  7. Bacteria have a higher survival rate and spread across the planet than fungi.